Immediately it seems like a bad idea to write down what I'm thinking in a public space when it begins with a title like that. somehow, this is going to get posted.
As I sit here writing this to you, I am robed in clothes that reek of cigarette smoke (as all my clothes reek, considering the quantity of cigarettes smoked here in Chile.) In fact, my room smells like cigarette smoke due to the quantity of clothes that reside in it, that, in turn, reek of cigarette smoke. Did I mention it's 6am? You're probably thinking, "Garrett, why are you up so early? What volunteer work are you headed off to do? Does your job start at 8am? Are you looking to get some extra studying in before your big test? Actually no. First of all, if you asked those questions, you should re-evalutate how well you know me because I am neither a good person, nor a hard-worker. In fact, I am just now returning from a night out. "Wow Garrett," you're now thinking, "you're a party animal. You're such a baller". again. re-assess. I was the first one to leave. BECAUSE PARTIES IN CHILE DON'T END UNTIL 8AM. (did i sound bitter. i didnt mean to sound bitter...) If you're chilean, you'd ask "why are you on facebook at 6am, shouldnt you be out?" like someone just did. just now.
I've decided I hate night clubs. There. I said it. Both as an institution and a gathering place. How many times have you been sitting around with a bunch of friends, when someone yells "hey lets go to a CLUB" and you're thinking, I'd rather not, but you go anyway. Why do you go again? there is this lure of excitement and danger that somehow is perceived as a result of thumping bass music and sweaty over-zealous dancing. So you go.
We are all familiar with that post-entry 30 minute conference where you, and your friends struggle for attention at the bar, ordering drinks that either
1. you're not legally old enough to buy and you're just hoping the bar tender has too many customers to either give a fuck or see the X's on your hands, or
2. you really shouldn't be buying cause they cost $9 for a shot,
or 3. you're hoping that cute 40 year old guy who looks both lonely and desperate will pay for.
After that brief encounter that either resulted in a "look what i got" face or the "bartender was a douschebag" post-rejection moment, you drink your red bull and vodka (first) or redbull and not vodka (second) and have a reunion near or on the dance floor, where you all stand around in a (awkward) circle and simultaneously dance with your friends while looking around to see who else you could possibly dance with.
Now, if you're a girl, you are immediately hit on by 38 guys, all of whom are probably too old to be dancing to house music and would look more at home at a Led Zeppelin Reunion tour. In 37 of these instances you turn to the closest guy friend you're with, and, with a face of exasperated dislike, you mouth for him to save you, or, if he doesn't, you look at the same guy friend and say he's your boyfriend. The 38th instance, the guy approaches you and is stunningly good looking or you're coincidentally on your 38th shot of tequila and you agree to dance with him, which (depending on the country) is either a close imitation of what sex with clothes on from behind would be like, to (depending on the level of dancer you are or find yourself with) the beat of the music, or a weird rendition of salsa dancing that neither of you execute very well so it ends up just being imitating sex, loosely following a cumbia beat. If you're a guy, you go and find someone to dance with and are turned away by numerous girls who either reach desperately to their closest guy friend or brought their boyfriend to the club, UNTIL you happen to be that 38th guy at which point you dance in the manner previously described. or you don't so to ease the tension or the boredom you and your nearest friend start enthusiastically mouthing the lyrics to Rihanna's "Who's that Chick" while you point to her and she points to herself.
SO, either you go, you dance with someone, and nothing happens. Or you go, you don't dance with someone. and nothing happens. Honestly tho, do you really go to a club to go home with someone? What kind of person are you going to meet? Typically if you end up hooking up, either in the establishment or when you leave, as a girl, you really have no idea who the guy is other than his name was somewhere between Jose and John, and that he probably bought those jeans with those tears in them, or if youre a dude, and you leave with a girl, the only thing you know is (depending on your personality) "i'm a sleaze-bag (and then question whether that's a real term or not and if so, if there is a cooler way to say that without sounding like your younger sister)" or "IM SUCH A PIMP" as you excessively pump your fist to Britney Spear's "end of the world" and spill your apple-tini all over the poor person in front of you, altho you realize that they either wont notice or are happy to smell like a green jolly-rancher instead of cigarette smoke.
Some of you are thinking "NO. I just go to have a good time." Ok. fair. Truth is, when you think of a night out, you think of a night club. Which means everyone at some point in their life has found themselves in a nightclub. and sometimes you have fun. And the worst part is that if you don't like going, and you'd prefer to "have a quiet night in, watching movies or something" you're usually thinking to yourself, Man I should go out more. That's usually what drives a lot of people to go out. Not sayin it's a bad reason. Just saying what a lot of people have told me.
Others of you are thinking, "uh dude. Don't you make electronic music? Dont you like wanna be a famous DJ or something?" to which i would respond, Touche'. yes. i do. and clubs are the atmosphere in which I find myself for such an occupation. But if i must defend myself, DJ doesn't immediately mean "pop" and doesn't automatically land you in a night club. Events that are held featuring music (more like concerts, less like frat parties) are infinitely more interesting, where the purpose of going is not to get drunk and wake up in someone else's apartment, but more to see what's out there, and come together for a more substantial purpose. Altho, i guess you could argue that hooking up is a substantial purpose. and i guess, whether its a concert, event, dance party or house party, everyone goes with at least a hint of that thought in their mind. Again, not saying its a bad reason, I just argue for something without so much pressure.
TODAY YOU GET NO PICTURES. Instead, only shameless self-promotion:
GLock at Sound Cloud
That is a link to my soundcloud page where you can check out all the tunes im working on. Because, when it comes down to it, I do enjoy loud thumping kick drums and obnoxiously heavy bass.
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